Henson was in great demand not only as a preacher but also as a lecturer and as an invited speaker. His audiences were broad, from academic and clerical to local and literary gatherings. As with his sermons, he would read from a written text, although he extemporised, as the occasion permitted (Journal, 1 May 1921). He published some of his lectures and addresses alongside sermons in collected volumes of his work; others were published individually or in his parish and diocesan periodicals. Some were published by the organisations which requested him to speak. However, a substantial number were unpublished.

The list below makes no claim to completeness, although it will be supplemented as further publications in this category are found in journals and newspapers. The speaking engagements he undertook outside his official duties ranged widely over religious, political, literary and historical subjects. Separate lists will be published of his many speeches in Convocation, the Representative Church Council (RCC), the Church Assembly (CA), and the House of Lords. These are in process of development, commencing with Henson’s speeches to the RCC and the CA, which can be found on the Henson website.
The following list was compiled by Hilary Ingram.
The national church: her continuity, her property, her work. Delivered at the Parochial Hall, South Heigham, on Friday, November 12th, 1885 (Stevenson, Norwich, 1886)
Gordon: a lecture (Blackwell, Oxford, 1886)
‘The evangelisation of England’, in C. Dunkley, ed., The official report of the Church Congress at Wolverhampton Oct. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 1887 (Bemrose & sons, London, 1887), 28-34
‘The witness of the gospel to the social duty of the church’ [1896, Cambridge], in Light and leaven: historical and social sermons to general congregations (Methuen, London, 1897), 191-208
‘The catholic church in the twelfth century, as illustrated by the career of Archbishop Thomas of Canterbury’ [29 Dec. 1896, St. Mary’s Hospital, Ilford], in Light and leaven, 147-62
‘Church reform, I’ [2 Nov. 1897, Diocesan Conference, St. Alban’s], in Cross-bench views of current church questions (Edward Arnold, London, 1902), 1-10
Discipline and law: some lenten addresses (Methuen, London, 1898)
‘Archbishop of Canterbury’s charge’ [7 Feb. 1899, paper read to a clerical society], in Cross-bench views, 91-104
Dissent in England: two lectures (Rivingtons, London, 1900)
‘Two lectures on dissent in England: the situation under Elizabeth’ [7 Oct. 1900, St. Mary’s Hospital, Ilford], in Cross-bench views, 296-316
‘Two lectures on dissent in England: the Hampton Court conference’ [4 Nov. 1900, St. Mary’s Hospital, Ilford], in Cross-bench views, 317-40
The spiritual side of the teacher’s work: an address to Sunday school teachers (Church of England Sunday School Institute, London, 1901)
‘Sermons’ [Oct. 1901, Church Congress, Brighton], in Cross-bench views, 185-93
‘Church reform, III’ [28 Oct. 1901, private conference of clergy], in Cross-bench views, 30-44
‘The coronation service’, Exod. xii. 26 [22 June 1902, St. Margaret’s, Westminster], in Preaching to the times: in St. Margaret’s, Westminster, during the coronation year (James Clarke, London, 1902), 49-65
The education act and after: an appeal addressed, with all possible respect, to the non-conformists, fellow-guardians with English churchmen of the national christianity (Methuen, London, 1903)
Studies in English religion in the seventeenth century. St. Margaret’s lectures, 1903 (John Murray, London, 1903; Dutton, New York, 1903), 1-34
Moral discipline in the Christian church, being lectures delivered during Lent 1904 in Westminster Abbey (Longmans, Green & Co., London, New York and Bombay, 1905), 1-32
On the opium question: an address, delivered at a meeting held under the auspices of the Society of Friends, in Exeter Hall, London, on Friday, 9th December 1904 (Morgan & Scott, London, 1905)
‘Christianity in politics’ [29 Oct. 1905, Marischal College, Aberdeen], in The national church: essays on its history and constitution and criticisms of its present administration (Macmillan, London, 1908), 170-211
‘St. Margaret’s, Westminster. The story of the fabric: a lecture, etc.’, St. Margaret’s Westminster Parish Magazine, 21 (1906), also published as St. Margaret’s, Westminster. The story of the fabric: a lecture, etc. (Church Printing House, London, 1906)
Religion in the schools: addresses on fundamental Christianity, delivered in S. Margaret’s, Westminster, during Lent 1906 (Macmillan, London, 1906)
‘Archbishop Leighton’ [20 Mar. 1907, All Saints’ Church, Ennismore Gardens], in The national church, 271-89
‘The religious reunion of the nation, being the substance of a speech delivered at Whitefield’s on Sunday afternoon, December 22, 1907, at the invitation of the Rev. Silvester Horne’, in Christ and the nation: Westminster and other sermons (T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1908), 33-53
‘The continuity of the Anglican Church’ [8 Oct. 1908], in The official report of the Church Congress held at Manchester, ed. Rev. C. Dunkley (Bemrose & sons, London & Derby, 1908), 331-5
Reunion and intercommunion: two lectures on the report of the Lambeth Conference (Hugh Rees, London, 1909)
The liberty of prophesying, with its just limits and temper considered with reference to the circumstances of the modern church: Lyman Beecher lectures delivered 1909, before the Yale Divinity School, and three sermons (Macmillan, London, 1909; Yale University Press, New Haven, 1909)
‘Intercommunion and reunion’ [12 Oct. 1909, Islington Clerical Society], in Westminster sermons (James Clarke, London, 1910), 45-62
‘The historic episcopate and intercommunion’ [17 Jan. 1910, Zion College, London], in Westminster sermons, 24-39
‘Christian unity’ [Portsmouth], in The road to unity: an address delivered to the National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches on March 9, 1911, together with an introduction and two sermons (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1911), 39-57
‘Denominationalism and Christian unity’ [5 Apr. 1911, Yorkshire Congregational Union, Bradford], in The road to unity, 59-76
The relation of the Church of England to the other reformed churches: delivered in S. Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, May 28, 1911. Robert Lee lecture, 1911 (William Blackwood, Edinburgh and London, 1911)
‘The issue of Kikuyu’ [13 Oct. 1914, ‘Deansgate lecture’, Milton Hall, Deansgate, Manchester], Modern Churchman, 4 (1915), 611-25
‘Magna Carta and Church Reform’ [10 June 1915, Churchmen’s Union, St Sepulchre’s church, London], in In defence of the English church (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1923), 142-60
Anglicanism: lectures on the Olaus Petri foundation delivered in Upsala during September, 1920 (Macmillan, London, 1921)
The blockade from within [1 May 1921, Empire Theatre, Hartlepool], (Hartlepool Employment Committee, Hartlepool, 1921)
Democracy and education: an address delivered by the Right Rev. Dr. Henson (Bishop of Durham) at a meeting held at Scarborough, on Tuesday, 17th May, in connection with the 53rd Annual Congress of the Co-operative Union (Co-operative Union, Manchester, 1921)
‘The Reunion of Christendom’ [17 Jan 1923, Wesleyans, West Hartlepool], in In defence of the English church, 130-41
Byron: the Rede lecture for 1924 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1924; Haskell House, New York, 1974)
William Tyndale, c. 1490 to 1536 [4 Feb. 1926, Armstrong Coll., Newcastle], (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1926)
Christianity the antidote to bolshevism (Anti-Socialist and Anti-Communist Union, London, 1926)
The ethics of empire: being the ninth Earl Grey memorial lecture, delivered on February 17, 1927 (Oxford University Press, London, 1927)
‘Prayer book revision: presidential address to the Durham Diocesan Conference on March 26th, 1927’, in The book and the vote: addresses and articles on the revision of the book of common prayer (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1928), 23-39
‘Bishop Lightfoot’ [29 June 1927, Auckland Castle], in The bishoprick papers (Geoffrey Cumberledge, Oxford University Press, London, New York, and Toronto, 1946), 133-40
‘Civilization and Christianity’ [Oct. 1927, Church Congress, Ipswich], in Walter Godfrey Whittingham (Intro.), The Kingdom of God in a country diocese (Ipswich, 1927), 220-30.
The problem of private benevolence in the modern state: being the inaugural lecture of the Sir Charles Loch memorial lectures, etc. (Longmans, Green, London, 1927)
Durham Castle: an appeal for the preservation of Durham Castle (G. Bailes, Durham, 1928)
‘The ordination of women’ [24 Mar. 1928, Durham Diocesan Conference], in The bishoprick papers, 1-11
‘Concerning patronage’ [16 Mar. 1929, Diocesan Conference], in The bishoprick papers, 22-31
Church and state in England: being the substance of an address to parochial church councillors (SPCK, London, 1930)
‘The genesis of the physician’s ideal’ [1930, medical students, Newcastle], in British Medical Journal, 2:3643, Nov. 1930, 746-9; and The bishoprick papers, 221-34
‘The British lazzaroni: a post-war phenomenon’ [18 June 1930, Individualist Club, London], in The bishoprick papers, 235-43
‘Church and state in England’ [3 July 1930, English Church Union, Albert Hall, London], in The bishoprick papers, 88-97
‘The memory of Vergil’ [15 Oct. 1930, Durham Castle], in The bishoprick papers, 244-50
‘Joseph Butler, 1692-1752’ [10 Aug. 1931, Oxford], in The bishoprick papers, 141-54
‘Christianity and nationality’ [18 Mar. 1932, Leicester Cathedral], in The bishoprick papers, 32-42
‘Education for leisure’ [23 June 1932, London School of Economics], in The bishoprick papers, 348-56
‘The centenary of Sir Walter Scott’s death 21 September 1832’ [21 Sep. 1932, Melrose Abbey], in The bishoprick papers, 251-9
The analysis of leadership: delivered before the University of St. Andrews, 1 February 1934, Walker Trust lectures on leadership (Oxford University Press, London, 1934)
Christian morality: natural, developing, final, being the Gifford lectures, 1935-36 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1936)
The bishop of Durham on Germany and the Jews: address to the West London Synagogue Association on February 6th, 1936 (McCorquodale, London, 1936)
‘The bishop of Durham’s address [to a conference]’, The Boy, 11 (1937), 577-80
‘Marriage and divorce’ [20 Mar. 1937, Diocesan Conference], in The bishoprick papers, 12-21