A wide variety of books and pamphlets were published by, or for, Henson: expositions, apologetics, polemics and ‘open letters’; individual and collected sermons, lectures, and essays; ‘charges’ (a bishop’s instructions and comments during periodic ‘visitations’ or inspections of the clergy of his diocese), and editions and biographies. Some of the sermons, lectures or essays had been published earlier in newspapers or religious magazines. Collected sermons and charges were usually published on Henson’s own initiative, when he wished to promote a particular cause; in such cases, he often sent copies to persons he especially wanted to influence, as well as to friends. Some individual or series of sermons and lectures were printed by the body which had invited him to preach or lecture; it is likely that some of these were printed in small numbers, and it cannot be certain that all of these have been identified and listed here. Publishers are given where known, in order to assist an understanding of Henson’s publication history; these include publishers of overseas editions, indicating Henson’s international reputation. The items given here are ‘independent’ publications; essays and lectures, sermons and public letters printed in journals, newspapers and collections edited by others are given in separate lists.
In his retirement, Henson published three volumes of autobiography, drawing upon his Journals, and a collection of his ‘papers’ selected from The Bishoprick, a quarterly journal issued to the clergy of his diocese from 1925 to 1939 (and in some cases when he wanted to publicise a wider argument, posted to national figures). After his death, two volumes of his letters, collected from his protégés and friends, were published by Evelyn Foley Braley (principal of Bede College, Durham, 1925-47, then a canon of Worcester), and a volume of his previously unpublished sermons by C.J. Stranks (a canon of Durham, 1954-73).
The following list was compiled by Hilary Ingram
Gordon: a lecture (Blackwell, Oxford, 1886)
The national church: her continuity, her property, her work. Delivered at the Parochial Hall, South Heigham, on Friday, November 12th, 1885 (Stevenson, Norwich, 1885)
The evangelisation of England: a paper read at the Wolverhampton Church Congress, October 1887 (Bemrose, Derby, 1887)
Christian clubs: a special sermon preached before the members of the Oxford House, University, Mape Street and St Bartholomew Clubs, at their club-service, in St Andrews Church, Bethnal Green (Blackwell, Oxford, 1887)
Wisdom iii.5. A sermon preached in the chapel of All Souls College on November 2, 1887 in the 450th year since the foundation of the college (Oxford, 1887, reprinted 1937)
Christianity and slavery (Rivingtons, London, 1890)
Is it honest? Some further remarks on Archdeacon Sinclair’s plea for courtesy between churchmen and dissenters (Skeffington, London, 1892)
Gas workers and general labourers’ annual church parade: a special sermon (Wilson and Whitworth, Barking, 1893; reprinted from The Essex Times, 18 November 1893)
Failure and fellowship: parting words to my dearand loyal friends the congregation of S. Margaret’s, Barking (Church Printing Co., London, 1895)
The real aspect of disestablishment. An open letter to Samuel Smith, Esq., M.P., in reply to an address delivered Dec., 1894, entitled ‘The Religious Aspect of Disestablishment’, etc. (Skeffington, London, 1895)
Between the lines: a few words on the Rev. P. Palmer’s letter (London, 1896)
Christian liberty and papal claims: a sermon preached before the members of the Canterbury Diocesan Church Reading Society, in Folkestone Parish Church, on Thursday, October 1st (Gibbs, Canterbury, 1896)
Light and leaven: historical and social sermons to general congregations (Methuen, London, 1897)
Apostolic christianity: notes and inferences mainly based on S. Paul’s epistles to the Corinthians (Methuen, London, 1898)
Cui bono? An open letter to Lord Halifax on the present crisis in the Church of England (Skeffington, London, 1898)
Discipline and law: some lenten addresses (Methuen, London, 1898)
Ad rem: thoughts for critical times in the church (Wells Gardner, Darton, London, 1899)
Ephesians IV:3: a sermon preached in the chapel of All Souls College, Oxford, on the festival of Whitsunday May 21, 1899 (Henry Frowde, Oxford, 1899)
The supreme court in spiritual cases or the Christian obligation to respect the general conscience (London, 1899)
ed., Church problems: a view of modern Anglicanism (John Murray, London, 1900)
Dissent in England: two lectures (Rivingtons, London, 1900)
A sermon preached in Westminster Abbey, January 27th, 1901, on the occasion of the death of Queen Victoria of blessed memory (Macmillan, London, 1901).
Sermons: a paper read at the church congress, Brighton, October, 1901 (Bemrose, Derby and London, 1901)
The spiritual side of the teacher’s work: an address to Sunday school teachers (Church of England School Institute, London, 1901).
ed. with preface, Criticism of the new testament. St. Margaret’s Lectures, 1902 (John Murray, London; Scribner’s, New York, 1902)
Cross-bench views of current church questions (Edward Arnold, London, 1902)
Godly union and concord: sermons preached mainly in Westminster Abbey in the interest of christian fraternity (John Murray, London, 1902)
National education: preached on the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 19th, 1902, in St. Margaret’s, Westminster, on the occasion of the first Sunday in the session of parliament (Wightman Mountain & Andrews, London, 1902)
Preaching to the times: in St. Margaret’s, Westminster, during the coronation year (James Clarke, London, 1902)
Clerical subscription and public honour: I Corinthians iv. 1-5, preached on the Sunday before Christmas, December 20th, 1903, at S. Margaret’s, Westminster (Macmillan, London and New York, 1903)
The education act and after: an appeal addressed, with all possible respect, to the non-conformists, fellow-guardians with English churchmen of the national christianity (Methuen, London, 1903)
Sincerity and subscription: a plea for toleration in the Church of England (Macmillan, London and New York, 1903)
Studies in English religion in the seventeenth century. St. Margaret’s lectures, 1903 (John Murray, London; Dutton, New York, 1903)
Notes on popular rationalism (Isbister, London, 1904)
The value of the bible, and other sermons (1902-1904), with a letter to the lord bishop of London (Macmillan, London and New York, 1904)
Moral discipline in the christian church, being lectures delivered during Lent 1904 in Westminster Abbey (Longmans, London, 1905)
On the opium question: an address, delivered at a meeting held under the auspices of the Society of Friends, in Exeter Hall, London, on Friday, 9th December, 1904 (Morgan, London, 1905)
St. Margaret’s, Westminster, restoration fund: sermons preached in St. Margaret’s Westminster, July 9th, 1905 (Church Printing Co., London, 1905)
Religion in the schools: addresses on fundamental christianity, delivered in S. Margaret’s, Westminster, during Lent 1906 (Macmillan, London, 1906)
Religious education: a speech given at St. Margaret’s, Westminster (Church Printing House, London, 1906)
St. Margaret’s, Westminster. The story of the fabric: a lecture, etc (Church Printing House, London, 1906)
Christian marriage (Cassell, London, 1907)
Anglicanism and reunion: sermon preached in Westminster Abbey on Trinity Sunday, June 14, 1908 being the eve of the pan-Anglican congress (Hugh Rees, London, 1908)
Christ and the nation: Westminster and other sermons (T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1908)
The national church: essays on its history and constitution and criticisms of its present administration (Macmillan, London, 1908)
The liberty of prophesying, with its just limits and temper considered with reference to the circumstances of the modern church. Lyman Beecher lectures delivered 1909, before the Yale Divinity School, and three sermons (Yale University Press, New Haven; Macmillan, London, 1909)
Reunion and intercommunion: two lectures on the report of the Lambeth Conference (Hugh Rees, London, 1909)
Ecclesiastica: a triplet of ‘old sermons’ (Hugh Rees, London, 1910)
Marriage and divorce (Hugh Rees, London, 1910)
Westminster sermons (James Clarke, London; Armstrong, New York, 1910)
The road to unity: an address delivered to the National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches on March 9, 1911, together with an introduction and two sermons (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1911)
The relation of the Church of England to the other reformed churches, etc. Robert Lee lecture, 1911 (William Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1911).
The creed in the pulpit (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1912)
Puritanism in England (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1912)
Notes of my ministry (Hugh Rees, London, 1913)
Privilege: preached in Durham Cathedral to the students of the university the day after the public installation of the chancellor of the university (Thomas Caldcleugh, Durham, 1913)
Quo tendimus? The issue of Kikuyu: a sermon preached before the University of Oxford in S. Mary’s (Macmillan, London and New York, 1914)
Life, perishing and immortal (Oxford, 1915)
The reformation: a sermon preached in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral on the occasion of the annual thanksgiving for the reformation, October 10th, 1915 (Hugh Rees, London, 1915).
War-time sermons (Macmillan, London and New York, 1915)
Masonic sermon preached in Christ Church Sunderland by Hensley Henson to a gathering of freemasons (Ingram Pearce, Southwick, 1916)
Robertson of Brighton, 1816-1853 (Smith, Elder, London, 1916)
Correspondence: the church and nonconformity (Church Printing House, London, 1917)
No disproof of the reformation (The Christian Commonwealth Co., London, 1917)
The unchanging factor in christianity (The Christian Commonwealth Co., London, 1917)
Christian liberty, and other sermons, 1916-1917 (Macmillan, London, 1918)
with F. T. Woods, Arthur C. Headlam, E. W. Watson and H. L. Goudge, The Church of England: its nature and its future (University of London Press, London, 1919)
ed. Herbert Croft, Lord Bishop, The naked truth ([1675; Chatto and Windus, London, 1919)
A kingdom that cannot be shaken (Oxford, 1919)
ed., A memoir of the right honourable Sir William Anson, baronet, warden of All Souls College, burgess for the university of Oxford (Clarendon, Oxford, 1920)
Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, on 1st Sunday after Trinity, 6 June 1920 (Cambridge, 1920)
Anglicanism. Lectures on the Olaus Petri foundation delivered in Upsala during September, 1920 (Macmillan, London, 1921)
The blockade from within (Hartlepool Employment Committee, 1921)
Democracy and education: an address delivered by the Right Rev. Dr Henson (Bishop of Durham) at a meeting held at Scarborough, on Tuesday, 17th May, 1921, in connection with the 53rd annual congress of the Co-operative Union (Co-operative Union Limited, Manchester, 1921)
Masonic service of thanksgiving for the centenary meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodgeof the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire, Friday, 8th July, at 11am 1921 (Ben Johnson, York, 1921)
Sir Walter Scott: a speech delivered at the annual dinner of the Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott club, 28 November 1922 (privately printed, Edinburgh, 1922)
In defence of the English church (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1923)
Byron: the Rede lecture for 1924 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1924)
Continuity: a reply to Cardinal Bourne (Hugh Rees, London, 1924)
Quo tendimus?: The primary charge delivered at his visitation to the clergy of this diocese in November 1924 (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1924)
Notes on spiritual healing (Williams & Norgate, London, 1925)
William Tyndale, c. 1490 to 1536 (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1926)
Church and parson in England (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1927)
The ethics of empire (Oxford University Press, London, 1927)
The problem of private benevolence in the modern state: being the inaugural lecture of the Sir Charles Loch memorial lectures, etc. (Longmans, Green, London, 1927)
The book and the vote: Addresses and articles on the revision of the book of common prayer (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1928)
Disestablishment: the charge delivered at the second quadrennial visitation of his diocese, together with an introduction (Macmillan, London, 1929)
Durham Castle: an appeal for the preservation of Durham Castle (Durham Castle Preservation Fund, Durham, 1928)
The kingdom of God: sermons (A.H. Stockwell, London, 1929)
with H. Wheeler Robinson and W.F. Lofthouse, The major prophets (Cassell, London, 1929)
Church and state in England: being the substance of an address to parochial church councillors (SPCK, London, 1930)
Sibbes and Simeon: an essay on patronage trusts (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1932)
with Edward Keble Talbot, The centenary sermons of the Oxford movement, preached by a religious in the university church at Oxford, and by the lord bishop of Durham in St. Mary Abbot’s Kensington, on Friday, July 14th, 1933, being the 100th anniversary of the assize sermon preached by John Keble (Catholic Literature Association, London, 1933)
The Oxford groups: the charge delivered at the third quadrennial visitation of his diocese together with an introduction (Oxford University Press, London, 1933)
The group movement; being the first part of the charge delivered at the third quadrennial visitation of his diocese together with an introduction [a selection from the preceding book] (Oxford University Press, London, 1933)
The analysis of leadership: delivered before the University of St. Andrews, 1 February 1934. Walker Trust lectures on leadership (Oxford University Press, London, 1934)
Commerce and religion in the middle ages. Preached in the chapel of the Merchant Adventurers’ Company in York, on Friday, October 19, 1934 (Hugh Rees, London, 1934)
Unitarianism or historic christianity? The substance of a speech in the Convocation of York, 7 June, 1934 (Oxford University Press, London, 1934)
Abyssinia: reflections of an onlooker (Hugh Rees, London, 1936)
Christian morality: natural, developing, final, being the Gifford lectures, 1935-36 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1936)
Germany and the Jews: address to the West London Synagogue Association on February 6th, 1936 (Nisbet, London, 1936)
Ad clerum: ordination charges and addresses to the clergy (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1937; reissue, with preface by A.M. Ramsey, archbishop of York, SPCK, 1958)
The broadness of the divine law: Psalm CXIX. 96, preached in All Souls College Chapel on November 7, 1937 (Oxford, 1937)
The Church of England (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1939)
ed., Selected English sermons: sixteenth to nineteenth centuries (Oxford University Press, London, 1939)
The good fight (Nisbet, London, 1940)
Last words in Westminster Abbey (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1941)
Retrospect of an unimportant life (3 vols, Oxford University Press, London, 1942, 1943, 1950; vols 1-2 printed as one volume, 1944)
Bishoprick papers (Oxford University Press, London and New York, 1946)
Coming of age: a letter to a young man on his 21st birthday (SPCK, London, 1947)
* * *
Letters of Herbert Hensley Henson, ed. Evelyn Foley Braley (SPCK, London, 1951)
More letters of Herbert Hensley Henson, ed. Evelyn Foley Braley (SPCK, London, 1954)
Theology and life, with an introduction by Canon C.J. Stranks (Mowbray, London, 1957)